
Town of Selma Government

About Our Government

On February 27, 1962, Selma adopted the Council-manager form of government, which it operates under today. The Town Council of Selma is comprised of four Council members and the Mayor. The Mayor is elected to a two-year term and the Council members are elected to four year, staggered terms.

They are elected “at-large” and they represent everyone in the town. The Mayor is the chairman of the Town Council, leads all meetings of the Council, and is a voting member of the board. The Mayor Pro-Tem is appointed by the Town Council and in the absence of the Mayor, may carry out the mayoral duties. Council members hold policy making and legislative authority and are responsible for:

  • Passing Ordinances
  • Adopting the Budget
  • Appointing Board and Commission Members
  • Appointing the Town Manager and Town Attorney

The Town Manager is responsible for implementing and enforcing policies and ordinance of the Town Council and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the government.

The Town Council meets in regular session in the Jernigan Building, located at 110 East Anderson Street, on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. All Town Council meetings, except those designated as closed sessions, are open to the public. Residents are encouraged to attend. 

If you would like to address the Town Council at their meeting, please review the  Town Policy For Public Comment At Council Meetings .

The Town Clerk  maintains the official records of the Town and serves as a support person for the Mayor and Town Council. Persons wishing to reach the Mayor or a member of the Town Council, should contact the Town Clerk, by telephone at (919) 965-9841, ext. 1001 or by email at Members of the public with disabilities who plan to attend a meeting are asked to call the Town Clerk prior to the meeting to receive accommodations.

If you are interested in joining an Advisory Board or Committee, please Click Here.

Capital Improvement Plan

A short-range plan which identifies capital projects and equipment purchases, provides a planning schedule and identifies options for financing the plan. Essentially, the plan provides a link between a municipality, school district, parks and recreation department and/or other local government entity and a comprehensive and strategic plans and the entity’s annual budget.

Selma Town Hall

Mailing Address:
114 North Raiford Street
Selma, NC 27576

Business Hours:
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Monday through Friday

Telephone: (919) 965-9841
Fax: (919) 965-4637
TDD: 1-800-735-2962

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