Selma Bike and Pedestrian Network Plan

Planning for a safer, more connected community

Johnston County would like your feedback too!

Click HERE for more information and take the Comprehensive Transportation Survey!

This plan will look at options to make our streets safer for biking and walking for everyone. Multimodal options are important indicators of a communities health and wellbeing, whether having the ability to walk to the grocery store, bike to the local park, or enjoy grabbing a bite to eat at a downtown restaurant without getting in your car, residents and visitors alike deserve options in how they get around Selma.

What are we doing with this Plan?

A Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan is the first step in a process that includes planning, design  and construction. This update identifies a comprehensive vision for a safe, direct, and convenient network of biking and walking facilities, and creates priorities among potential projects, programs, and policies.

  • 1) Provide safe sidewalks and biking facilities throughout all parts of your community

  • 2) Reduce biking and walking crashes by 10% annually

  • 3) To create a plan for maintenance of existing sidewalk facilities, and

  • 4) To provide safe facilities for all members of our community, including safe routes to schools, and access to community services.

This project is a partnership between the Town of Selma, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Integrated Mobility Division, and other local and regional stakeholders.

Please let us know your thoughts about biking & walking in Selma!

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